• The Palkbay SUP Challenge is the annual National StandUp Paddle races under the aegis of Surfing Federation of India & Tamil Nadu Surfing Association. The organising authority (OA) of the event is QTT Adventure Sports Academy (Quest Academy). The Palkbay SUP Challenge is a part of the national stand up paddle championship series outreach for the growth of the sport in India.

  • 1.1  The Race is governed by ISA Rulebook & Contest Administration Manual June 2024 (link)

    1.2  If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence

    1.3. No participant substitution is permitted once registered

    1.4 Additional Rules referenced in the Notice of Race (NOR) and Race Instructions (RI) may apply

    1.5 Each competitor must sign the indemnity declaration on the Athlete Contract Form before the event. If the competitor is under 18, the parent or guardian must sign the form

    1.6 Online Registrations will open on 18th of Aug 2024

    1.7 Last day for registration will be the 30th of Aug 2024 - Extended to 8th of September 2024

    1.8 No spot registrations will be accepted

    1.9 Each competing athlete must be present at the Official Race Briefing 

    1.10 Minimum of 6 competitors are required to run any race category. The OA can schedule a ranking race under its discretion in which case prize money will not apply

    1.11 Non-Indian passport holders can take part in the Open Category- no points would be allocated but prizes will be awarded

    1.12 Participants must carry their own equipment, spares & repairs, no equipment will be provided in any category. If you wish to rent any equipment you should contact the host directly in advance

    1.13 In the national category race equipment will be measured & registered to the participant. Sharing of equipment within the same gender division is not permitted.

    1.14 All competitors in the national category must be registered with SFI

    1.15 The organizing authority reserves the right to reject or cancel any entry

    1.16 Deductions will be applicable on the prize money as per government rules

  • 2.1 Advertising is permitted in accordance with ISA Rules

    2.2 Boards/athletes are required to display advertising chosen and/or supplied by the OA

    2.3 Participants will be responsible for keeping such advertising visible throughout the championship

    2.4 Athletes who are sponsored must get a clearance from the OA prior to the event with regards to any advertisement obligations to said sponsor

    2.5 Participants from SFI/TNSA Registered Schools/Clubs can display their school/club logos during the event

  • 3.1 For eligibility ISA rule in Chapter 2 Section 1 will apply. The registration process will be as per ISA Rule Chapter 2 Section 2. The race is open to Indian paddlers and Indian passport holders and foreign nationals as defined in this NOR. Non-Indian passport holders can take part in the Open Category - no points would be allocated but prize money would be awarded. 

    National category - current National ranking Athletes as well as medalists for previous years Open Category will be allowed to participate in the current National category. 

    Defence Services Category - the individual must hold an active Government Identity Card which must be presented at the time of registration.

    Open Category - Open to all

    3.2 The OA - Quest Academy will have final authority on eligibility.

    3.3 Registration Fees for the event per participant are:

    For members of SFI accredited schools/clubs

    Rs. 1,500 per race | Rs. 2,500 for two races | Rs. 3,000 for three races

    For members of non-accredited schools/clubs

    Rs. 2,000 per race | Rs. 3,000 for two races | Rs. 3,500 for three races

    3.4 The last date for registration is 30th of August 2023

    3.5 Late entry will not be accepted into this championship

    3.6 The fee includes entry to the competition, a T-shirt & lunch for two days of the event and free access to all shore-based workshops during the event for each registered participant

    3.7 In the event of inclement weather or in order to ensure safety, the OA may decide to modify the race or cancel or interrupt the Championship. In such cases, the Entry fees will not be returned. This applies, with no limitation to exceptionally adverse weather conditions, war, mobilization, requisition, embargo, fire, flooding, strike, or any blocking of the facilities caused by an event outside the control of the OA.

    3.8 Category Guideline



















    MALE: Male of any age, Indian Nationality

    FEMALE: Female of any age, Indian Nationality

    GROMS (U16): Boy or Girl 16 years and younger, Indian Nationality

    OPEN: Paddler of any age, Any Nationality

    − Special note for Groms: An Under 16 surfer may not turn 17 between January 1st and December 31st of the year in which they are competing in this Division.
    − All under-aged participants [Under 18] must have an adult appointed for supervision. Where possible a female manager if females are in the team. − Passports/ID cards will be verified by OA prior to the start of the Event.

    3.10 An athlete can participate in a maximum of three category events only. National athletes cannot participate in Open category events to encourage new athletes.

    3.11 Bank information:

    All payments for registration should be made to the host bank account or QR code for e-payments.

    Payment transaction details must be shared via email to with the Participant's name & Aadhar card for tracking purposes.

  • 4.1 The Race format will be as per ISA Rule Chapter 2 Section 3.

    4.2 For distance and technical races the event will consist of a single race in each category if the participants are fifteen or less unless otherwise decided by the OA

    4.3 For sprint races the event will consist of the best of one race in each category. Heats/elimination rounds may be conducted at the discretion of the OA

    4.4 Race Course 

    SPRINT RACE (200 meters)

    TECHNICAL RACE (4 kilometers) 

    DISTANCE RACE (12 kilometers) 

  • Detailed race course information will be provided in the Race Instructions (RI)

    All athletes to report at venue at 0800 hours on the 28th of September 2024

  • 6.1  The equipment inspection schedule will be posted on the Official Notice Board (ONB) prior to inspection day

    6.2 The Race Instructions (RI) will define the process for the publication of the daily race schedule, including the allocation of events to race areas.

    6.3 Equipment class

    RACEBOARD 14” & under Class (National Category)

    Any race board with a leash & paddle

    Length - 14” ft & under

    Board Weight - No Weight Restriction

    Board Design - Race board only

    SUP Open Class (Open Category)

    Any recreational board with a leash & paddle. (Raceboards are not allowed in this category)

    Length - 14” ft and under

    Board Weight - No Weight Restriction.

    Board Design - Recreational board only

    Leash Rules

    All competitors will be required to use a leash which is tethered to the board while racing. Life jackets are recommended but not required. Leash requirements will be strictly enforced for all competitors and failure to comply will result in immediate disqualification.

    6.4 All boards shall be inspected, measured & registered to the participant (sharing of equipment is not allowed within the same gender/sex category) in accordance with the ISA Rules, Notice of Race (NoR), Race Instructions (RI). Each participant must have the following equipment a. SUP Board b. SUP Paddle c. SUP board leash.

    6.5 The Technical Committee (TC) will be appointed. The TC is responsible for all equipment inspection functions. The TC is the 'responsible authority' for the purposes of equipment inspection and it shall be the authority for determining if equipment complies with the Rules and its interpretation.

    6.6 Boards will be inspected for compliance of rules at any time during the Race

    6.7 Repairs or replacements required afloat shall be notified to the TC prior to the start of the next race. If there is no time to notify the TC prior to the start of the next race, the repair or replacement shall be notified to the Race Committee or a member of the PC prior to the start of the next race. Then it shall be reported ashore in writing to the TC within protest time limit and both the damaged equipment and replaced equipment shall be presented.

  • The Race Instructions will be provided to the participants on the first day of the race.

  • The Event will take place at Quest Academy, Palkbay, Rameshwaram

  • The Race Course for each format of race will be published in the RI.

  • Infringement and technical infringement penalties will be published in the RI. The Penalties will be as per SFI Rule Chapter 2 Section 3 (c).

  • 11.1 A support vessel includes any vessel that is under the control or direction of a support person including any person gathering data that may be used at a later time.

    11.2 The support person/coaches and trainers have to register with the OA. They are not to provide any support while races are in progress. No support vessels other than the OA are permitted during the event. No cheering squad or outside vessels are allowed without prior approval of the OA. Any disregard of this rule will result in disqualification of the participants associated with the person/coaches.

  • 12.1 For nationals in any category, only Race Boards will be used. The OA has a few boards and equipment which may be provided to the participants. Priority will be given to the ranking athletes on a first come first serve basis with charter/rental fees of Rs. 1,500/- per board. The chartered SUP boards will include a board, paddle & leash.

    12.2 Charter period that will start from 0700 hours of day 1 to 1700 hours on day 2. For other periods the charter fee is Rs. 2,000 per day comprising 8 hours.

  • 13.1 The scoring principle will be published in the RI.

    13.2 Awards & Prizes

    National Categories winners will be awarded Gold, Silver & Bronze medals & certificates

    National Sprint

    1st ₹10,000 | 2nd ₹5,000 | 3rd ₹3,000

    National Technical

    1st ₹10,000 | 2nd ₹5,000 | 3rd ₹3,000

    National Distance

    1st ₹15,000 | 2nd ₹10,000 | 3rd ₹5,000

    Open Categories winners will be awarded certificates & gifts

    *Other prizes from sponsors will be awarded as applicable

    **Deductions will be applicable on the prize money as per government rules

  • A Protest Committee (PC) will be appointed as per ISF rules Chapter 2 Section 3 (D). The Chairman PC will chair the PC.Item description

  • The OA may change the Notice of Race. Any such changes will be posted on the Official Notice Board (ONB) at the venue or on the website.

  • Competitors are reminded of the rules and regulations concerning the use of banned methods and substances, which are contained in ISA Rules Chapter 2, Section 3 (A) in the Anti-Doping Code. Doping control may take place during the event.

  • Competitors and support personnel participate in the race entirely at their own risk. The Organizing Authority, or any other race officials and volunteers, will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury, or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the competition.

  • 18.1 The ISA prohibits any mechanical/electronic communication device, (including megaphones) that links a competitor in the action of competing with another party during ISA competitive events.

    18.2 The means of communication are allowed only for the purpose of emergencies, safety, and weather reports. Each team should declare their communication equipment to the OA

  • Each entrant must sign the indemnity declaration on the Entry Form before the event. If under 18, the parent or guardian must sign.

  • The safety of the board and equipment after handover and during the event shall be the sole in-escapable responsibility of the participants. All the participants are to have appropriate insurance for themselves and their own equipment.

  • Participants will have to reach the venue on their own and make their accommodation and transport arrangements.

  • The competitors and their support staff shall not intentionally put trash in the water while afloat or litter the beach. Use of designated dustbins for trash disposal is compulsory.

  • The event will at all times comply with the local guidelines and rules regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • The team leader, Team manager, or designated person as point-of-contact for each participant shall provide an email address and mobile phone number to Regatta office/ OA

  • For further information contact the OA

    Mobile: 8657195551 | WhatsApp Chat: 8657195551


    Hotels / Accommodation and Transport details

    There are a number of hotels/B&B/resorts in the region. You may contact for assistance in booking accommodation.

    Reservations: 8657195551 | WhatsApp Chat: 8657195551

  • The rules of racing for SUP will be as per ISA Rules Chapter 2 Section 3 Point D XXI further amendments can be made by the OA & RC based on weather conditions.

    26.1 A competitor must be standing while paddling once a race has started until crossing over the finish line. A competitor is allowed to sit, lay, or kneel to rest without making forward progress. If a competitor takes more than five strokes while sitting, laying, or kneeling once a race has started the competitor may be given a 3 minute penalty at the discretion of the race director. The exception with this would be for safety reasons where a competitor needs to avoid or may be put into a potentially dangerous situation that would put them or others at risk of injury and or property damage.

    26.2. A competitor shall only use the paddle, waves, and wind to propel the board forward during a race. No outside assistance drafting a vessel not in the race, or any other speed device not considered the norm to SUP racing is allowed. Boat wakes are considered natural conditions unless a competitor is deemed as getting an unfair advantage over other competitors.

    26.3. The safety of all participants and competitions is the number one priority of the race organizers. Participants shall attend all competitor meetings and race postings to keep themselves informed with the typical conditions for the race and also the day of conditions to be expected. Race Directors will warn the competitors of any dangers that could occur and where all safety personnel will be located on the course during the pre-race competitors meeting. Competitors shall be mindful of the hand signals to be used if someone is injured, in danger (paddle in the air, waving, or erect), or in need of help but not injured (hand in the air). All competitors should be mindful of any person that may be in danger during the course of the race and should assist or help get safety staff attention.

    26.4 All competitors must complete the course as placed in the water, and must safely go around all floating turn buoys. Failure to go around all buoys as required will result in disqualification, also the buoys must be rounded in the direction explained in the race map. Any competitor that has missed a buoy or turned it the wrong direction can go back and do this correctly as long as they haven’t crossed the finish line.

    26.5 Course completion 

    Any competitor failing to round all designated buoys will be disqualified from the race. Paddlers must complete the designated course.

    26.6 Five Stroke Rule

    If you fall you have 5 strokes to get back on your feet and stand up. This rule is in effect so a paddler does not achieve an advantage by not standing up. You must complete the course standing upon your board.

    26.7 Drafting

    Drafting is allowed, but only within your own gender and race class. For example, a female racer may not draft a male, and vice versa. Refer to ISA Rules Chapter 2 Section 3 Point D XIV

    26.8 Water Start

    Participants will form a straight pre-line perpendicular to the first buoy and will stand between two flagged points on the water (Buoys). Both feet standing on the water (sit on the board), one hand on the board and paddle in the other hand. The race director will give a 5 minute minute warning for the start, the race officer shall call paddlers to the start line with the command, “Racers to the line” or one short horn blast. Race Officer will then use the command, “Racers ready.” Once this command is issued athletes must remain completely still. Any movement after this command will result in a false start charge. Race will start with an air horn, siren, or single whistle. First false start will be charged to the field. Next false start will be charged to the offending racer who will be disqualified. False starts will be signaled with a multiple whistle blast signaling racers to come back to the start line. In the event of high winds or choppy seas, or as required by the Race Director to control the start procedure, racers may be asked to sit on their boards behind the start buoys. 

    26.9 Water Finish

    During water finish competitors must finish in control standing on their board. The nose of the craft is the designated point for crossing the finish line when determining relative placing in a water finish. 

    26.9 Beach Start

    Competitors will form a straight pre-line perpendicular to the first buoy and will stand between two flagged points on the beach. Both feet standing on the sand, one hand on the board and paddle in the other hand. A flag will be set up at either end of the start line, for line of sight. A start line will be made between the flags. Racers will be called to take their chosen place on the line in order of their seed. The race officer will use the command, “Front foot on the start line” at which time Racers will place their front foot on the start line. Race officer will next use the command, “Racers ready.” Once this command is issued athletes must remain completely still. Any movement after this command will result in a false start charge. Race will start with an air horn, siren, or single whistle. First false start will be charged to the field. Next false start will be charged to the offending racer who will be disqualified. False starts will be signaled with a multiple whistle blast signaling racers to come back to the start line.

    26.10 Beach Finish

    Beach Finish- Racers and participants will exit the water and run to the finish line. Paddlers must carry their paddles with them across the finish line which will be clearly marked with flags. There will be no diving across the finish line.

    26.11 Protests

    Must be filed within 15 minutes of the last competitor finishing the said race. Protests must be filed with either the Beach Marshal or Race Director in writing. The Beach Marshal, Race Director and associated event officials shall determine the outcome of any protest filed.

    26.13 Penalties

    Violations of the rules and/or unsportsmanlike conduct by a competitor (including but not limited to: purposely obstructing or interfering with another competitor, causing damage or bodily harm to another competitor, use of profane language toward any persons or competitor while at a race, not rounding a mark, competing on the proper course, over the start line early, avoiding a collision, and adhering to the drafting rules) will range from a 30 second time penalty to disqualification. 

    Penalties for unruly conduct:

    Extreme: Disqualification

    Moderate: 30 second penalty for each offense

    Penalties for illegal Drafting: 1 minute penalty for each offence

    26.14 Race Officials will take note of the offending competitor and the decision of race officials will be final